Sunday, October 28, 2012

Back to the city...

Hello guys,

I came back to Prague couple hours ago. It really sucks that weekend is over but what can I do - I just have to get over it...

But those two days in our cottage were truly great.

Photo I took after we arrived here. Fall strikes on our tree really hard. What used to be green in now bald...

And photo of the same place from the next day. Yay! First snow!

I took care of the fire. It's actually not easy to make it flame up like this!

View from our bedroom window. I took this shot only half an hour before it started to snow. Good timing.

I just had to take a photo of this! The harvest has been really kind to us this year. Ahh, those apples. You can't even imagine how great they are!

Now, to the song for this day!
Because it's fall - even though it snows outside - I chose a song by Norah Jones' 2009 album Fall. I really love this record very much, Norah first showed here her new style of music. Song I picked is called Back To Manhattan and is one of my favorites off Fall.

Love people!       Terez

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